Frost Protection

RANGES: Agriculture, Farm

In Frost prevention NDA Equipment is the agent, installer and maintenance provider for South Africa’s AGI Frost Fans ( AGI started in 2012 after two years of extreme frost events that crippled SA’s crops. Rather than simply copying the old technology of an internal combustion engine a difference track was taken to design an electric fan. Coupled with a fan blade that was designed specifically by a specialist blade design company and overseen by a University Professor provided a system that has a running cost saving of up to 70% compared to its competitors.

There are two units (15kW and 30kW) that can cover between 6-9ha per fan and can be run via a diesel generator if no power is available. However, as the example below shows coverage up to 10ha per fan has observed.

Blue and green indicates biomass of vegetation. As you can see after the late frost event the two centre fields covered by the frost fans increased their vegetation biomass whereas the non protected areas were severely damaged or a complete loss of produce.

The fan head also has 360 degree rotation and adjustable angle to optimise the coverage based on the site topography. Monitoring for temperature (top and base of post plus remote), humidity and wind speed are all available via PC or smart phone technologies.

Installation and maintenance are also simpler, not only due to the electrically driven motor, but with the unique pivot system that allows for erection without the need for a crane. To access the fan it is simply a matter of pivoting the fan to the ground.

Please contact us if you would like some further information.


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